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  • Construction of the "Three Rings, Fourteen Shooting Multilateral Line" road network layout,Implement the county -county highway,Northeast of Chongqing、The Southeast Highway is directly connected ... in recent years,The construction of Chongqing highway has achieved significant results,Road network constantly speeding up density。As of the end of 2022,Chongqing highway opening mileage exceeds 4000 kilometers,Inter -provincial exports reached 27。According to the plan,From 2035,Chongqing highway network scale is expected to reach about 6900 kilometers。 To strengthen highway management、mention ...

  • "Back to Shanghai from Hangzhou on the weekend, pass the Jiaxing service area,I found a mobile charging car,Try it,The speed is quite fast,about 1 minute 1 degree,I hope it can be seen more later! "" No need to find a fixed parking space again,Stop with charging,Service is more intimate、More dafabet live casinohumane。"" Rest for 20 minutes,It is more than 100 kilometers of electricity consumption,Very convenient。"Recent,Mobile charging robots in the Jiaxing highway service area of ​​Zhejiang have received extensive praise。In recent years ...

  • Recent,The Henan Provincial Department of Transportation issued the "Henan Provincial Department of Transportation to Implement the Provincial Key Task Plan for Optimizing the Business Environment" (referred to as "Plan"),Building the industry's convenient and efficient market -oriented business environment、The industry's fair and fair business environment、Open and inclusive international business environment 3 aspects,Clear 16 key tasks,Support the high -quality development of transportation with the environment of better business business。 "Plan" is clear,Exploring new fields of service -oriented law enforcement,In a larger range、More ...

  • 41 highways under construction have completed a total of 79.1 billion yuan in investment,37 Renewal of highway projects all open horsepower,The main project planned to open to traffic this year is basically completed ... this year,Henan Provincial Expressway Construction Project continues to play the main role of stabilizing investment,The total investment dafabet live casinoof 80.6 billion yuan was completed in the first 9 months,accounting for 68 % of the investment in the construction of highways in the province。 Recent,Henan Province held the "13445 Project" sprint fourth quarter to ensure ...

  • Being beautiful expectations,Concentrated consensus from all walks of life。from China Communications News Agency、The 2023 Beijing Digital Transportation Conference and Expo (referred to as the conference and expo),It will be held from September 11th to 13th at Beijing · China International Exhibition Center (New Hall),The theme is "Number · New Era、Transportation · New Future "。 Conference and Expo will focus on digital traffic innovation development,Carry out the theme activity of the "1 + 10 + 1" series,Including 1 opening ceremony and Lord ...

  • A few days ago,Secretary of the Party Committee of the Transportation Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region、Deputy Hall Dabu Pearl to Ninzhi City 219 National Highway Related Highway Construction Project、318 National Highway Quality Reconstruction Project Disaster Treatment, including 10 contracting highway project construction, first -line,In -depth research and supervision office,In the project headquarters and the construction dafabet casinounit project department, carefully examine the development of grass -roots party organization construction and theme education,and go to the village work team along the line to condolences to the village cadres。 The Transportation Department of the Tibet Autonomous Region will further strengthen the project construction ...

  • This is a conference that promotes high levels of open service trade; this is a conference that continues to deepen the practical cooperation of service trade;。 Tianlang Qiqing、Huifeng and Chang,The eyes of the world focus on Beijing。September 2nd to 6th,"Open Leading Development,The theme of cooperation and win -win "is the theme of 2023 China International Service Trade Fair held at the National Convention Center and Shougang Park,The scale of the exhibition is about 155,000 square meters ...

  • August 24,"Digital Wisdom Power、Interconnection ", the theme of the 4th Jinyang Lake · Digital Economic Development Summit Digital Traffic Development Forum was held in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province。The forum invited academicians in the field of digital transportation、Relevant units representatives,Talk about the future development of digital traffic,Share AC IoT perception、Remote sensing surveying and mapping、Digital development and practice and advanced dafabet best online casinoexperience of digital development in network freight。Vice Governor of Shanxi Province Liu Ye attended the meeting and delivered a speech。 In recent years,Shanxi Provincial Transportation Bank ...

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