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  • The Group's highway operation and management company (hereinafter referred to as "operating company") in depth implementation of the spirit of General Secretary Jinping's important exposition and instructions for safety production,Persist in the people first、Life first,A goal with improving safety protection,In July 2023, the "Refined Improvement of Liaoning High -speed Safety facilities in Liaoning in 2023",After a year of planning、Implement,Completion of the month as of the month。 Since the activity is launched,Operating companies attach great importance to,Care ...

  • Recent,Group Traffic Planning and Design Institute (hereinafter referred to as the "Design Institute") successfully won the bidding of Qugang Expressway in the Condom Method. Construction general contract,The amount of winning bid is about 100 million yuan,Among them, the design fee is about 1.46 million yuan。 This project starts from the northwestern Qugang Expressway of Nanwang Village, Shisu Town, Su dafabet online sports bettingNing County, Cangzhou City.,Stop in Xinxing Town, Qingxian Town, Cangzhou City ...

  • To further promote the rapid integration of new employees into the company's collective,Improve business ability,July 19th to 22nd,Group Liaoning Traffic Investment Maintenance Engineering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Maintenance Company") organized a 2024 new employee entry training。Secretary of the Party Committee of Maintenance Company、Chairman Sun Jiwei,Deputy General Manager Tang Yu attended the training and speak。 The training lecturers of the maintenance company are safe production、Self -discipline of clean government、Financial process、Compliance commitment、News Writing、Human Resources Management ...

  • July 22,The Group's Highway Operation Management Company (hereinafter referred to as "Operating Company") holds the flood prevention work dispatch meeting。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Company、Directors、General Manager Zhang Shuli attended the meeting and speak,Deputy General Manager Zhang Yuanbo chaired the meeting。 The meeting reported on July 19th. Sudden Rain Mountain Hongzhi Dannan high -speed Shuiyang section bridge collapse accident in Lishui County, Shangluo City, Shaanxi,conveyed the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and dafabet best online betting websitedisaster relief work and the spirit of Premier Li Qiang ...

  • According to the Group's Discipline Inspection Commission's "Notice on Doing a Disciplinary Study and Education to Promote the Analysis of Typical Cases",July 19,Resource Development Company Holding the Division Meeting,In -depth analysis and discussion of typical cases that have occurred in the group in recent years,Learn from it,Find the root cause of the problem,Improve the institutional mechanism,Further build a ideological defense line for rejection of corruption and degeneration。The meeting was secretary of the party branch、Chairman Wang Xiaofeng hosted,Members of all branch committees attended the meeting,The person in charge of each department attended。 Conference conveyed ...

  • Recent,The Group's subordinate Liaoning Trading Material Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Fal The Trade Company") successfully won the bid Nanjing Street -Huanghe Street High Standard Maintenance asphalt procurement project,Winning the bid amount of 5.234 million yuan。 The total length of this project is 22.4 kilometers,Among them, Nanjing Street Update and Maintenance Project south to Baitaibao Henan Qiaotou,north to Gong Railing Bridge;,North to the Sanhuan Sanzi Interchange Bridge South。Requirements for matrix asphalt demand 1200 tons,Modified Lili ...

  • July 11,Group Liaoning Trading Material Trade Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Fal The Trade Company") successfully won the bid in 2024 Dandong Crane Daan Pinghe Bridge and Railway Ziqiao Demolition and Rebuilding Maintenance Project,Number of winning bids 585.296 tons,About 2.2 million yuan。 This project contains the Daan Ping River Bridge、Railway Ziqiao is located in Kuandian County, Liaoning Province。Among them, the pile number of Da'an Pinghe Bridge K1332+172,span 6-20 meters,Bridge total length 1 ...

  • July 18,Supervision and Consulting Company organized a conference on promotion and warning education for cases,Deep analysis of the negative typical,Use the person around、Wind warning education for everything around you。 will be on it,notified the problems of illegal discipline and illegal cadres and repentance reflection materials,I deployed the company's promotion and reform work,Organize all participants to conduct a promise signature activity in a clean employment commitment。 Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Company、General Manager Liu Shoujun conducted an in -depth analysis of typical cases of discipline and law,He said,Promoting Party ...

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