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New scene layers of digital traffic are endless. 2023 China International Service Trade Fair Highlights Scan
Source: China Traffic News Network Author: Release time: September 06, 2023 A+A-

This is a conference to promote high -level service trade at a high level of service trade; this is a conference that continues to deepen the practical cooperation of service trade;。

Tianlang Qiqing、Huifeng and Chang,The eyes of the world focus on Beijing。September 2nd to 6th,"Open Leading Development,The theme of cooperation and win -win "is the theme of 2023 China International Services Trade Fair held at the National Convention Center and Shougang Park,The scale of the exhibition is about 155,000 square meters,There are comprehensive exhibitions and 9 special exhibitions,Over 2400 exhibitors。

President Xi Jinping made a video of the Global Service Trade Summit at the China International Service Trade Fair in Beijing in Beijing in Beijing,Global service trade and service industry cooperation in depth development,Digital、Intelligent、The green process continues to accelerate,New Technology、New format、New mode is endless,To promote economic globalization、Restore global economic vitality、Enhanced the toughness of the world economic development into a strong motivation。

As an important service industry,Transportation in this service meeting, highlights。Digital Smart Chemical Cable Courier Box、VR Smart Driving Training dafabet casinoSimulator、Beijing Metro Operation Big Data Platform ... In the "Supply Chain Transportation" exhibition area in Hall 13, Shougang Park,A batch of advanced technology in the transportation field、Products and innovative solutions debut,Attract the audience to stop and feel the technology empowering the beautiful travel,Witness Smart Logistics、Smart Warehouse and other digitalization、Green development results。

Smart driving training easy and efficient

Smart Driving Training Test Driving Area at Oriental Fashion Driving School Co., Ltd.,Long lines are arranged next to multiple simulation cockps,A large number of audiences are eager to try。"What I am most afraid of is the reversing into the warehouse,You can practice a few more times here。"Mr. Meng, a citizen, tells his experience when he was learning a car,Put on a VR header,Experience immersive teaching。

In recent years,VR、Artificial intelligence and other technologies have been widely used in the field of traditional driving training。The reporter saw at the scene,VR Smart Driving Training Simulator's light and shadow effect is more realistic,Strongest immersion,It can realize the teaching task of driving training full subject。At the same time,Equipped with a 43 -inch touch screen,Smart Voice、Touch interaction method makes teaching more convenient。

At this year's service and trade meeting,Oriental Fashion launched a whole set of immersive smart driving training solutions。According to the person in charge of the site,This scheme combines the training experience of dafabet best online betting websitenearly 3 million students,Intelligent driving training、Sceneization,Solved the danger simulation that traditional driving training cannot achieve、Traffic accident response and other problems,Make learning the car easier、Efficient,greatly improved the student experience。

Not only that,VR Smart Driving Training Simulator is small,Can be placed in a business district、Residential area and other places,Students can train at the door of the house,Use fragmented time to learn car,Eliminated on the way round and out of the road。

The results of express innovation application have emerged

A large highlight of the "Supply Chain Transportation" exhibition area is the express industry。China Post Express Logistics (EMS)、SF、10 companies including Yuantong have shown their best to "exceed",Fully display science and technology、internationalization、Multidimized new products、New Technology、New results。

Not only can you send traditional letters、Package,You can also send "Sound"。In the booth of China Post Express Logistics Co., Ltd.,The reporter saw a green "Sound Post Office"。Under the guidance of the staff of the booth,Reporter scan the small program on the screen of the device screen,Press the button to record the sound after uploading the photo,Enter the verification code to print a exclusive postcard。Scan the QR code on the postcard,You can listen to the recorded sound。

SF Smart Building Delivery Robot and Reading Stepping Workbench for the first time on the service trade meeting。June this year,SF's first batch of smart buildings dafabet best online casinodelivery robots in Shenzhen,Through a series of sensors and computer vision technology,Implementing path planning and design、Environmental perception and other functions,Unmanned、Smart delivery distribution。Termation of Timing Tracing Touring Workbench integrates a photo scan code、Weight、Volume measurement and video recording (traceability) four functions,Scanning and photo records of parcels can be achieved、The maximum 30 kg of quality weighing, length, width, and high precision measurement。

A runway with the main image of the Hangzhou Asian Games "Hong Yun Zi" as the decoration of the decoration extended from the Yuantong booth,A bright unmanned car is parked at the end。This is an unmanned delivery logistics vehicle serving the Hangzhou Asian Games。Introduction to on -site staff,The maximum load of the car is 400 kg,100 kilometers of battery life,The body is equipped with laser radar、millimeter wave radar and camera,With core technologies such as the intelligent driving computing platform,You can easily avoid obstacles、Identification of traffic lights。

The smart subway makes travel better

"City rail travel makes life better。"Entering Beijing Metro Operation Co., Ltd. booth,10 glittering art characters come into view,The lintel is the image of galloping subway trains,and embedded LED LCD screen,Create a characteristic image of "Rail Circle + Carrier"。

The reporter saw at the scene,Beijing Metro passes graphic、Video and other forms,shows the first national Smart Subway Demonstration Line based on the Capital Airport dafabet online sports bettingLine,Including its operation and maintenance、Passenger Service、Green Low Carbon、Digital transformation and other measures, as well as digital transformation, as well as the operation of Line 1 and Obort Line.、Fangshan Line and Line 9 cross -line operation、Line 1 of the gate of the gate of the gate of the gate of the gate of the gate。

At this year's service and trade meeting,The Beijing Metro also presents the history of more than 50 years of technological development to the public、Technical standards and scientific and technological achievements,Including independent design in 1969、The first subway line in my country, which is independently equipped, the first phase of the Beijing Underground Railway is completed and opened to traffic,and the achievements achieved in the construction of smart subway in recent years。

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