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  • June 19,The Group held a mobilization and deployment meeting of the Flood Control Station in 2024。The meeting conveyed the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and drought resistance and the spirit of the relevant meeting.,Emphasized the relevant requirements of the province's transportation system in 2024,Interpretation of the Group's Flood Control Work Plan for 2024,Related subsidiaries reported the flood prevention work arrangement of this year。Deputy Secretary of dafabet casinoThe Party Committee of the Group、Deputy Chairman、General Manager Dong Lei attended the meeting and spoke,Cao Jiwei, chief engineer of the group ...

  • June 7,In -depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on strengthening the party's disciplinary construction,Comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Party and the 20th Central Discipline Inspection Commission's Third Plenary Session,Earnestly implement the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee on the deployment requirements of party discipline and education,Arrange according to the party discipline study and education work plan of the group party committee,dafabet casinoThe Party dafabet casinoCommittee of the Communications Group held a group warning education meeting。Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group、Chairman Xu Daqing presided over the meeting and spoke。Members of the group leaders attended the meeting。 Xu Da ...

  • May 30,To thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping's new era of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics,Further strengthen the construction of party style and clean government,According to the party discipline study and education work arrangement of dafabet casinoThe Party dafabet casinoCommittee of the Communications Group,Member of the Party Committee of the Communications Group Organization Group、The headquarters of the headquarters is mainly responsible for comrades、Party members representatives of the party branch of the agency、Party members of the subsidiary, including the party members, etc., and more than 40 people visited the Shenyang Big Data Warning Education Exhibition Hall,On -site receiving warning education,Scientific and technological means of actively experience the intelligent supervision of big data,Build a prison refuse ...

  • According to the unified deployment of the Provincial Party Committee,The First Inspection Team of the Provincial Party Committee conducted regular inspections of dafabet casinoThe Party Committee of Liaoning Provincial Transportation dafabet live casinoConstruction Investment Group Co., Ltd. from April 7th to June 20th。The relevant matters are announced as follows: a、Routine Inspection 1. Letter and visits accepted object。Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. leadership dafabet best online betting websiteteam and their members,The main person in charge of the party organization of the lower level,Leading cadres of important positions。 2. Acceptance content。Mainly accepts letters reflected in the inspection object ...

  • According to the unified deployment of the provincial party committee on inspection work,Recent,The First Inspection Team of the Provincial Party Committee inspected the work mobilization meeting of dafabet casinoThe Party Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Transportation dafabet live casinoConstruction Investment Group Co., Ltd.。Before the meeting,Wang Dongshi, the leader of the First Inspection Team of the Provincial Party Committee, hosted a party secretary of the Party Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.、Chairman Xu Daqing's meeting communication meeting,Notification of relevant work arrangements。will be on it,Wang Dongshi made a mobilization speech,Makes requirements for a good inspection work。Xu Daqing presided over the meeting and spoke。  ...

  • March 21,The Second Party Member Congress of the Communist Party of China Liaoning Provincial Transportation dafabet live casinoConstruction Investment Group Co., Ltd.。Cao Ru, deputy director of the cadres of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee、Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of dafabet casinoThe Party Committee of the Provincial SASA。Group 117 party members attended the conference。 This conference is the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the new era in the new era in the new era.、Accelerate the construction of a new era "...

  • dafabet best online casinoTo further improve the level of internal control management of the group,Promote the construction of internal control compliance culture,Urges management personnel dafabet best online casinoat all levels to take the lead in performing duties in compliance,Recent,Group organization has carried out the internal control compliance propaganda monthly series of activities.,Controls the case with a case "warning education activity。Secretary of dafabet casinoThe Party Committee of the Group、Chairman Xu Daqing attended and delivered a speech,Group Audit Minister Quartet Launctive Education,Group 2、Leaders of the third -level company participated in this warning education activity。 Xu Daqing pointed out,In the governance of modern company ...

  • November 22,China Communications Industry Economic Joint Meeting 2023 The Second Chairman's Meeting was held in Chongqing。This meeting aims to promote the high -quality development of the transportation industry and large transportation backbone enterprises,Provide new ideas for the transformation and development of transportation companies、Provide a new engine for the future development direction of the transportation industry、Inject new kinetic energy into the high -quality development of the transportation industry。 China Communications Industry Economic Joint Meeting 2023 The Second Chairman's Meeting successfully held a meeting with rotating chairman Chongqing High -speed Gong ...

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