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Chongqing Highway Administrative Measures Implementation Establishing a Coordinated Mechanism Innovation Road Institution
Source: China Traffic News Network Author: Release time: November 09, 2023 A+A-

Construction of the "Three Rings, Fourteen Shooting Multilateral Line" road network layout,Realize the county -county highway,Northeast Yu、The Southeast Highway is directly connected ... in recent years,Chongqing highway construction has achieved remarkable results,Road network constantly speeding up density。As of the end of 2022,Chongqing highway opening mileage exceeds 4000 kilometers,Inter -provincial exports reached 27。According to the plan,By 2035,Chongqing highway network scale is expected to reach about 6900 kilometers。

To strengthen highway management、Improve service level,Chongqing City has formulated the "Administrative Measures for Chongqing Highway" (referred to as "Measures"),Has the Municipal Government Executive Meeting for review and approval,officially implemented from November 1st。"Measures" closely linked to the public attention、Difficulties in governance,Delivery and convenient travel in serving the masses、A series of institutional innovation and arrangements for ensuring sustainable development of highways,Support the industry self dafabet online sports betting-discipline,Establish a collaborative mechanism,Fate of Innovation Road,Strengthening maintenance supervision,Standardize business services。

Explore the establishment of an integrated operation management system

"Measures" supports highway operating enterprises to establish industry organizations in accordance with the law,Establish relevant rules for the management of highway operations,Give full play to industry self -discipline,Accepting industry supervision and guidance of the municipal traffic authority。Chongqing Municipal Transportation Authority will establish a convention and judgment with the municipal public security organs and highway operating enterprises、Joint command scheduling and collaborative linkage mechanism,Strengthen highway collaborative management。

"Measures" requirements,Public Security、Planning and Natural Resources、Traffic、Emergency Management、Meteorological and other departments and highway operating enterprises shall strengthen information and data resource sharing; strengthen and related provinces、Coordination and linkage,Do a good job、Operation of highways along the new channel of the Western Land and Sea、Management,Explore the establishment of management collaboration、Safe and efficient、Service high -quality integrated operation management system。

According to the Measures,Chongqing will promote highway infrastructure dafabet best online casinoand transportation service network、Information Network、Energy Network and Modern Logistics、Cultural Tourism、Modern Agriculture、Manufacturing、Integration and development of related industries such as commerce and finance,A new business format for economic and industry in the road、New mode。"Measures" encourages the service area to actively integrate into the local nature、Humanities and economic development features,Create smart green、Cultural Tourism、Trading Logistics、Consumption and other multi -functional service places,Expand the service area of ​​the service area。

To strengthen maintenance management,"Measures" encourages new technologies、New materials、New process、New equipment implementation of maintenance and construction operation,Professionalization of highway and its subsidiary facilities、Digital level。Chongqing City Transportation Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Agency、The traffic management department of the municipal public security organs will strengthen the supervision and inspection of highway maintenance and construction operations within their respective responsibilities。

Establishing a road network operation scheduling management platform

Every holiday,Often is the peak period for everyone to travel,Traffic congestion appears in highways。The relevant person in charge of the Chongqing Municipal Transportation dafabet live casinoBureau said,Face the problem of possible congestion,Chongqing has established a full -process emergency dispatch mechanism,Highway operating units will also be based on big data prediction,Make sure that all the lanes of large flow charging lanes are opened、Patients with charges and dredging staff。

According to the Measures,Chongqing Municipal Communications Authority will strengthen the digital construction of highways,Organize the establishment of the city's highway road network operation dispatch management platform,Carry out the operation monitoring of highway road network operation、Emergency disposal scheduling、Analysis and judgment and travel information services。Highway operating enterprises formulate special emergency plans for emergency plans for emergency plans based on highway emergencies prepared by the municipal traffic authority,Do a good job of emergency team construction、Emergency exercise、Rescue materials reserves and emergency emergency response and other work。

"Measures" stipulate,Highway operating enterprises shall set up a toll lane in accordance with regulations,Equipped with sufficient charging equipment,Guarantee the normal traffic of the vehicle。Major、Special major road traffic accidents or other major emergencies,The highway operating enterprise shall be rescued at the scene、Rescue、Vehicles of rescue missions provide priority convenience。

According dafabet live casinoto the Measures,When implementing barriers to rescue services,Clear rescue agency shall inform the parties for charging items、Toll Standards、​​Supervision phone calls,Do not illegally expand the scope of charging、Improve the charging standard or forcibly provide paid services。Chongqing Municipal Communications Authority、Municipal Development and Reform Department and Market Supervision and Management Department will treat highway clearance rescue services in accordance with their respective responsibilities、Police behavior and other implementation supervision and management。

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