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The First Inspection Team of the Provincial Party Committee inspected the work mobilization meeting of the Party Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.
Source: Liaoning Traffic Investment Author: System Manager Release time: April 09, 2024 A+A-


According to the unified deployment of the provincial party committee's inspection work,Recent,The First Inspection Team of the Provincial Party Committee inspected the work mobilization meeting of the Party Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.。Before the meeting,Wang Dongshi, the leader of the First Inspection Team of the Provincial Party Committee, hosted the party secretary of the Party Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.、Chairman Xu Daqing's meeting communication meeting,Notification of relevant work arrangements。will be on it,Wang Dongshi made a mobilization speech,Makes requirements for a good inspection work。Xu Daqing presided over the meeting and spoke。
Relevant comrades of the first inspection team of the Provincial Party Committee,Cadres at the middle or above of the traffic group attended the meeting; members of the leadership team directly under the Communications Group、The retired old leaders and some employee representatives attended the meeting for the past two years.。
Wang Dongshi emphasized,The Party Committee of the Communications Group must effectively improve the political standing,Fully understand the significance of the inspection work,Take the inspection and supervision as the decisive significance dafabet casinoof deep understanding of the "two establishment",Enhance "Four Consciousness"、firm "Four Confidence"、The process of "two maintenance",Strengthen political responsibility,Actively support and cooperate with the work of the provincial party committee inspection team,Complete the inspection tasks assigned by the Provincial Party Committee。
Wang Dongshi pointed out,Inspection is political supervision,It is a comprehensive political medical examination of the inspected party organization。The inspection team of the Provincial Party Committee will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Careful implementation of the 20th spirit of the party,In -depth implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on inspection,Surrounding the center、Services,Comprehensive implementation of the inspection work policy,Implementation of political inspection requirements,Take "two maintenance" as the fundamental task,close to the party committee of the Communications Group to perform the party's leadership function responsibility,Pay close attention to power and responsibility,Pay close attention to "first leader" and leadership team,Pay attention to the problem that the masses report strongly,Pay attention to inspection rectification and results of results,Strengthen political supervision、Find political deviation。Routine inspections supervise the implementation of the party's route policies and the major decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee,Implementation of the "two responsibilities" of the "two responsibilities" of the party,Implementation dafabet live casinoof the party's organization route in the new era,Implementation of inspection and founding of problems and rectification and results of results,Implement the requirements for optimizing the business environment deployment。Promoting the decisive significance of the party committee of the Communications Group deeply understands the "two establishment",Enhance "Four Consciousness"、firm "Four Confidence"、To achieve "two maintenance",Ensure that the Party Central Committee's major decision -making deployment and the work requirements of the Provincial Party Committee will be implemented,Provides a strong political guarantee for the realization of a new breakthrough in comprehensive revitalization in Liaoning。
Xu Daqing said,The First Inspection Team of the Provincial Party Committee conducted inspections on the Party Committee of the Communications Group,Is a comprehensive one for the group、In -depth "Political Physical Examination",fully reflects the cordial care of the Provincial Party Committee for the Transport Group。Party organizations at all levels of the group and the majority of party members and cadres must earnestly study and implement the important exposition of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection work,Standing on firm support the "two establishment"、Resolutely achieve the political height of "two maintenance",Enhancement of the ideas and consciousness of receiving inspection and supervision、Political consciousness and action consciousness; adhere to the same frequency resonance、Exercise in the same direction,Effectively strengthen organizational coordination and work guarantee,Fully support and cooperate with the provincial party committee inspection work; serious discipline requirements,dafabet best online betting websitePersist in seeking truth from facts to reflect the problem,Objective to analyze the root source,Take the initiative to accept the inspection and supervision of the Provincial Party Committee;、As soon as you know it,Consolidate the results of inspection with solid rectification effect,Promote the Group's high -quality development and achieve new breakthroughs,Make new and greater contributions to help the realization of the new era of Liaoning comprehensive rejuvenation。
The First Inspection Team of the Provincial Party Committee will work at the Traffic Investment Group for 2 and a half months。During the inspection,Letter and visit contact phone number is 15668851001,Postal mailbox is the postal mailbox A168, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province,Email is sxyz15668851001@sina.com,The Solid Opinion Box is located on the west side of the safety channel corridor on the west side of the main building on the west side of the main building on the west side of the main building of Liaoning Provincial Transportation Planning and Design Co., Ltd.。At the same time,The inspection announcement will be posted simultaneously at the office of each subsidiary。The time for the inspection team to accept the phone number is: 8: 30-17: 00。The time for the inspection team to accept letters and visits as of June 13, 2024。According to the Regulations of the Inspection Work Regulations,The First Inspection Team of the Provincial Party Committee mainly accepts the leadership team of the party committee and members of the Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.,The main person in charge of the lower party organization,Letter of the leading cadres of important positions,The point is about violating dafabet casinopolitical discipline、Organizational discipline、Clean Discipline、Mass Discipline、Reporting and reflection in work discipline and life discipline。Other letters and visits issues that do not belong to the scope of the inspection acceptance,It will be transferred to the relevant departments in accordance with regulations to deal with it carefully。

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