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The Second Party Member Congress of the Communist Party of China Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.
Source: Liaoning Traffic Investment Author: Comprehensive Department of Trading Group Release time: March 22, 2024 A+A-

March 21,The Second Party Member Congress of the Communist Party of China Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. was held in Northeast Building。Cao Ru, Deputy Director of the Five Division of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee、Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of the Provincial SASA。Group 117 party members attended the conference。


This conference is the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping in the new era of promoting the Symposium on the Northeast in the new era.、Accelerate the construction of the "six places" in the new era,Realizing the first battle in the first year of the first three years of the first three years of operation in the first battle of the first battle、The important time of the battle of tackling the year of the tackling year,A very important meeting held。Comrade Xu Daqing on behalf of the Communist Party of China Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. The first Committee of the Liaoning Provincial Traffic Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. made a comprehensive study and implementation of the new era of high -quality development in the new era. "Report,Comrade Geng Yanjun on behalf of the Communist Party of China Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.'s first disciplinary inspection committee made a report entitled "Strictly Promoting the Reform and Development of the Party in the Reform and Development dafabet online sports bettingof the New Response of the New Drag.。Report Content Theme Focus、Objective and pragmatic,Get unanimous recognition from the participating comrades。




The conference thinks,Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee,Under the guidance of the Party Committee of the Provincial SASAC,Group Party Committee united and lead the majority of party members、Cadres and employees,Practice "Dragan Reform and Development Last,Corporate Mission to the Economic Revitalization of Liaoning,Concentrated on the party building、Mind development、Reluctant to promote reform、True grasp to break through,Perfect various goals and tasks。For seven years,Group's benefit scale to a new level,Implementation of major decision -making deployment to achieve new results,Open cooperation opens a new situation,Deepen the reform of state -owned enterprises to achieve new results,New progress has achieved in scientific and technological innovation,New improvement in risk prevention and control,Serving the economy and society to show new actions,The sense of gain and happiness of employees has been newly improved,Group high -quality development has taken a new solid step。

The conference pointed out,The guiding ideology of work in the next five years is,Persist in the thoughts of socialist ideas with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Xi Jinping,Comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee,In -depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping about Northeast、The spirit of the important speech and instructions of the revitalization and development of Liaoning,Careful implementation of the fifth time of the dafabet best online betting website13th Provincial Party Committee、Six Plenary Spirit,Adhere to the party's comprehensive leadership,Promote the spirit of the great party,Persist in grasping high -quality development in one hand,Grabbing the party with one hand,Persist in the general tone of the work of steady progress,Full、Accurate、Comprehensive implementation of new development concepts,firmly grasp the primary task of high -quality development,Active integration and service to build a new development pattern,Coordinating high -quality development and high level safety,Anchoring the "Six Land" goal positioning in the new era,Taking the implementation of a new three -year action for the implementation of a comprehensive revitalization and breakthroughs,Go all out to expand effective investment,Starting the reform of the reform of state -owned enterprises solidly,Vigorously promote scientific and technological innovation,Constantly improving core competitiveness、Enhance the core function,Strive to create a new situation of the Group's high -quality development,Build the group into a first -class transportation and related industrial investment group with strong capital strength and sustainable development capabilities in China,Efforts to become the Provincial Party Committee、The most assured ace army for the provincial government,The most reliable pioneer,The most concerned vanguard,The most trusted main force,Show greater responsibilities and actions in the new era of Liaoning in the new era。

Conference emphasized,The goal of struggle in the next five years is,The leading role of party building is even more highlighted,The foundation of high -quality development is more solid,The ability of independent innovation is stronger,Deepening dafabet online sports bettingreform results are more pragmatic,Structural adjustment quality and efficiency is even more prominent,The degree of open cooperation is even more expanded,Business risk control is stronger。​​We must go all out to expand infrastructure investment,Showing new actions in serving economic and social development; to accelerate the optimization and adjustment of industrial layout,Gathering new kinetic energy in improving the quality of industrial development; in -depth promotion of the deepening of state -owned enterprise reform,New results have been achieved in the market -oriented mechanism of construction; we must deepen the supply -side structural reform,At a new level at the quality and level of the supply of transportation services; adhere to innovation -driven development,Running new speeds in accelerating the formation of new quality of productivity; we must carry out in -depth management and improvement action,New improvement in promoting the modernization of governance systems and governance capabilities; we must coordinate development and safety,New progress has been made in effectively preventing the risk;,In -depth implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thought on the party's construction,Consolidate the "root" and "soul",Leading the Group's high -quality development with high -quality party building。

The meeting elected the second committee and disciplinary inspection committee of the Communist Party of China Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.,Comrade Xu Daqing was elected as Secretary of the Secretary of the Second Committee of the Second Committee of the Communist Party of China Liaoning Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.,Comrade Geng Yanjun was elected as the Secretary of the Secretary of the Second Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China Liaoning Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.。



Call of the Conference,Party organizations dafabet live casinoat all levels and members of the group、Cadre、Employees must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Comprehensively implement the idea of ​​socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era,In the Provincial Party Committee、Under the strong leadership of the provincial government,Choose the burden、Choose the burden,overcome difficulties、Mobbing with Yongyi,Strive to promote the Group's high -quality development and achieve new breakthroughs,To achieve the full revitalization of Liaoning in the new era、Strive to compose Chinese -style modern Liaoning chapter to make new and greater contributions!

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