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Group style
  • December 11,Dandong region universal snow,The Group's highway operation management company (hereinafter referred to as "operating company") is actively dealing with the snow removal and anti -slip task,Joint traffic police department efficiently and properly disposes the emergency help incident of the masses,Get highly praised by the masses。 19:20 on December 11,The operating company receives a telephone notice from the group petition office,Some people issued a help information on the POA Platform of the 12345 Government Service in Liaoning Province: "Shenyang Burning Hospital ...

  • British loyal souls return to the hometown,Xiongfeng Qiang Qi Long Live。Recent,The 10th batch of the remains of the Chinese people's volunteer martyrs' remains were transported to Shenyang, Liaoning for burial,The Group's highway operation management company (hereinafter referred to as "operating company") strictly implements the deployment of the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government,Conductive arrangements、dafabet live casinoCareful plan,"The highest etiquette、The deepest respect、The best image、The smoothest pass "successfully completed the guarantee task of the volso army's remains against the highway traffic section。 Early deployment guarantee ...

  • To actively respond to the concern of the masses,Under the coordinated deployment of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission,Provincial Public Security Department、Provincial Department of Transportation and Provincial Transport Group,Suggestions and opinions on highway speed limit measurement on highway speed limit metering in the past three years of government service "12345" and traffic management "12123" will be traced one by one,For "low speed limit for reflected strong reflection,Affects traffic efficiency "and" speed limit、Speed ​​metering prompt signs that are not standardized or the quantity of setting is small ",Each department quickly conducts investigation and rectification,Precise policy ...

  • "You are my grandma's life -saving benefactor,It is the benefactor of our family! We will never forget this kind of kindness。"August 29,Citizen Mr. dafabet best online betting websiteZhao and their mothers come to the Traffic Planning and Design Institute of Traffic Investment Group (hereinafter referred to as "Design Institute"),Excitingly send a Jinqi who is printed with a "desperate and self -saving" to the hands of Comrade Li Yuxiang, the employee of the design institute,To express it to express his assistance to him at the time of crisis、The gratitude of the elderly to rescue the old man。Li Yuxiang for everyone in detail ...

  • "It's angry,Come on! "recently,Jianpingnan Toll Station X05 lane under the group's highway operation management Co., Ltd.,A rush of car sounding and calling,Ding Haichuan, a duty person who is guiding the traffic on the lane,Rush to the scene urgently。I saw a six -axis truck driving in the distance。 Ding Haichuan immediately contact colleagues to reinforce through the intercom.,Contact traffic police and fire department synchronously,Due to the unknown fire situation and the reason for fire,To ensure the safety of on -site personnel ...

  • Recent,Xingcheng Toll Station of Huludao Branch of the Group's Final Operation Company received such a call,Make everyone feel warm and peaceful。"Thank you very much! The child is home,Because of your help,Let my son go home smoothly,Otherwise, this midnight,We have to call the police in anxiety! "At about 1:30 am on the same day,Liu Cong, dafabet live casinoa duty member of Xingcheng Toll Station, is testing the pavilion,Suddenly exploring the head of a teenager,Face pale,Hair has been wet with sweat。"Uncle ...

  • Recent,The group's sub -operating company Shenfu Branch issued a video of the video.,Shenji High -speed Jilin direction K34+800 There is a tourist bus with an anchor to stop on the road,No warning signs behind the rear,Branch starts the emergency plan for the first time,Arrange nearby inspectors to rush to the scene for rescue。 After arriving at the scene,Inspectors immediately place safety warning signs at the rear of the bus,Emotional of 29 passengers who stayed in the car,Guide all passengers to the safe area outside the fence and wait。Jingjing ...

  • Since the theme education,Construction Management Company, a subsidiary of the Communications Group, actively respond to the call of the group's party committee,Persist in inspecting the people、Listening to the people、Jiemin worry,The Jingzhou Panjin Section Headquarters is actively connected with the local area of ​​the Jinzhou Panjin Section,Visit through investigation、Fedback of cadres stationed in the village,Know the village of Sandao, South Road, Songshan Street, Jinzhou City、Wangjiayao Village, Zhong'an Town, Zhong'an City, Beizhen dafabet online sports bettingCity、Linghai City Xietun Township Guangguang Village, two main roads and 1 bridge culverts in and out of the countryside for many years,Damage to the road is severe,The condition is very poor; Linghai City Gold ...

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