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  • Transformation dynamics
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  • Transformation Practice
  • Transition to understand
Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly emphasized,We must adhere to the supply -side structural reform as the main line,Accelerate the development of the digital economy with data as the key element,Promoting the Internet、Big Data、In -depth integration of artificial intelligence with the real economy。Requirement of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party,firmly unswervingly build a strong country for network、Digital China,Accelerate digital development。Liaoning Provincial Party Committee、The provincial government proposed the construction of "digital Liaoning、Significant Strategy for Intelligent Manufacturing Strong ",and the implementation of digital transformation of industrial industries as a major strategic measure to achieve all -round revitalization of Liaoning。As the largest provincial state -owned enterprise in Liaoning's assets,To deeply integrate the wave dafabet online sports bettingof digital economy development,Supporting enterprise medium and long -term strategic landing and industry to achieve high -quality development goals,Liaoning Communications Group fully understands the significance of the implementation of digital transformation to the survival and development of the enterprise,Practice the implementation of digital transformation as a major measure to implement the strategy of implementing the "Digital Liaoning Smart Manufacturing Strong province",Constantly improving the understanding and understanding of the core value of digital transformation,Continue to penetrate digital thinking and concepts in various business areas,Comprehensively start digital transformation top -level design,The road to digital transformation and development that is officially opened to business processes。

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No. 42-2, Limao Road, Heping District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province