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Hebei Traffic and Investment Group builds a "shelter" for the affected people
Source: China Traffic News Network Author: Release time: August 10, 2023 A+A-

Hebei Dazhou Flood Spell,(North) Jingshi (Jiazhuang) Highway section of the highway occurs water destruction,涿zhou、Health City、3 toll stations from Takashima stores have evacuated the number of people in the crowd sharply,Institute of rescue keeping pressure is unprecedented。

Hebei Communications Group Jingshi Expressway Development Co., Ltd. (referred to as Jingshi Company) 27 party organizations、340 party members、More than 1,100 cadres and workers moved when they heard the flood,Fighting day and night fighting on the first line of rescue in water,Taking the road with actual actions for the road to the disaster area to keep the road、Rescue the contribution of the affected people。

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Continuous rainfall leads to the continuous increase of the water flow of the king Express Reservoir on the upper reaches of the Jingshi Expressway Shati Bridge。August 1,Jingshi Company held an on -site expert meeting,Formulate a disposal dafabet casinoplan,While dredging the riverbed,Emergency mobilization of 9 construction machinery dredging bridges,Stone stones to rescue; Establish a joint command post at the Sahet Bridge,Established the "Shahe Extra Bridge Flood Control and Rescue Commando",24 hours duty on duty,Squatting dikes in the whole time、Full coverage survey danger,Building "Red Fortress" at the forefront of flood control disaster relief。

At 20 o'clock that day,Flood immersion station area,The north exit of Lizhou Toll Station was forced to close。Dazhou Toll Station Flood Control and Flood and Flood Anti -Aoggotes Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculture Like the Organization Station、Orderly transfer of personnel。There are a large number of vehicles staying on the connection bridge of Huatian Road and Jingshi Expressway in Shezhou City,Assault team members are rising and wading guidance, anchoring passenger cars transfer to safe zone。Baoding along the line of Jingshi Company、Xu Shui and other stations also actively ask for,Quickly formed the preservation service reserve team Chizhou。

On the evening of August 1,Jingshi Expressway Gaobei State Station Vehicle Streaming Rota Vehicle,Toll Plaza vehicle backlog。Gaobeidian Station quickly dafabet best online casinoopens all lanes,Guarantee the orderly traffic of the vehicle。"What difficulties to tell us,We will do our best to help you。"Sun Keong and webmaster Tian Jinsao, the secretary of the party branch of Gaobeidian Station, led personnel to guide the vehicle of the station,Publish mineral water for past personnel。Under the collaboration of nearly 7 hours,At 7 o'clock on August 2,Stand mouth vehicle、All the masses' safe transfer。

In order to restore the north exit of the Dazhou toll station as soon as possible,Jingshi Company's Smart High -speed Dispatch Center Establish Electrical Electrical Emergency Guarantee Group,Evaluate the affected equipment with the professional power supply team,Perform safety inspections on the line,Develop dredging、Clean、drying and equipment test work。12:00 on August 5,The North Exit at the North Exit at the Toll Station to complete the work。So far,All sites of the Jingshi Highway are restored to normal,Ensure that emergency rescue vehicles are smooth。

According to statistics,7:00 on August 1st to 16:00,Lizhou Station guarantees a total of 159,000 vehicles to pass the vehicle,Gaobeidian Station guarantees a total of 209,000 vehicles to pass the vehicle。

Temporary resettlement points at the toll station

At 2:55 on August 1,Two meters in water in Wuxun Village, Pier Town, Pixian City,Twenty or Thirty Elderly、Women and children evacuated to the Square Plaza of the Health City Toll Station of Jingshi Highway。Liu Gang, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Health City Toll Station, heard the news,Organize resettlement work immediately,Use employee dormitory、Conference room、Multifunction Hall、The activity room and other teach 78 houses,Emergency preparation for single bed、kettle and other living materials,Provide drinking water、Emergency foods such as instant noodles,Ensure the basic life of the affected people。

"Thank you Jingshi high -speed,Thank you for receiving us! "Temporary placement point at the toll station at the Health City,Xiang Wucun villagers Bian Yuelan pull the staff's hand,Tears in the eyes。These days,Police station staff heard the most than thank you。As of now,The station has received more than 600 rescue villagers,Provide temporary rest places for more than 300 rescue officers and soldiers at the same time。

Move when I heard the flood,I heard the order。In this flood control disaster relief work,Jingshi Company's cadres and employees condense、Zhongzhi Chengcheng,Make every effort to protect dafabet online sports bettingthe safety of the people's lives and property and the safety and smoothness of the Gyeonggi arteries,When becoming a roots when the people are coming, the people are reliable.。Current,Cadres and employees of Jingshi Company are rebuilding the affected station area,Assist the local villagers to restore the order of production and life,Resolutely win the flood prevention and rescue disaster relief this tough battle。

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