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New Da Company Market -oriented Manager Vice General Manager Deputy General Manager's Deputy General Manager Post Publication announcement
Source: Author: Release time: December 20, 2023 A+A-

Requirements for "Announcement of Members of the Manager of the Market -oriented Manager of Liaoning Xinda Consultation Co., Ltd.",The company's proposed deputy general manager candidate is publicized as follows:

Chen Yinwang,Male,Han nationality,Born in October 1985,September 2011 participation,Mass,Graduate education,Master's degree,Have an accountant、Legal Occupation Qualification Certificate,Division of the deputy general manager of Liaoning Xinda Consulting Co., Ltd. (production management direction)。

Li Xiaodong,Male,Manchu,Born in March 1987,Participate in July 2009,Member of the Communist Party of China,Graduate education,Master's degree,Senior engineer of road and bridge engineering,Have registered urban and rural planners、dafabet best online betting websiteConsultation engineer (investment)、Qualification Certificate of Cost engineer,Moly General Manager of Liaoning Xinda Consulting Co., Ltd. (market business direction)。

After the publication is released,If you choose different opinions for the above people,Please call by phone within 5 working days、E -mail、Letter、Visit and other methods to reflect the situation to the board of directors of Xinda Company。Reflecting the problem to seek truth from facts,Phone、Email and letter should be the real name of the agency。The valid time of letters and visits is based on dafabet live casinothe local postmark sent by the letter。

Contact: Li Feng

Contact number: 024-83731811

Email: lnxd2022@163.com

Address: 5th Floor, Affiliated Building, No. 42 Limao Road, Heping District, Shenyang City

Liaoning Xinda Consulting Co., Ltd.

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No. 42-2, Limao Road, Heping District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province