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New Da Company Market -oriented Manager Stranger General Manager General Manager Post Publication Announcement
Source: Author: Release time: December 20, 2023 A+A-

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Hui Zhuang,Male,Hui people,Born in March 1984,Participate in August 2007,Member of the Communist Party of China,Bachelor degree,Master's degree,Transportation Planning Engineer,General Manager of Liaoning Xinda Consulting Co., Ltd.。

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Contact: Li Feng

Contact number: 024-83731811

Email: lnxd2022@163.com

Address: 5th Floor, Affiliated Building, No. 42 Limao Road, Heping District, Shenyang City

Liaoning Xinda Consulting Co., Ltd.

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No. 42-2, Limao Road, Heping District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province