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Liaoning Xinda Consulting Co., Ltd. 2023 Market -based Selection Manager Member announcement
Source: Author: Release time: November 30, 2023 A+A-

Liaoning Xinda Consulting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company") was established at the end of 2020,It was jointly funded by Liaoning Provincial Transportation Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Design Institute") and Shenyang High -tech Development Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd.。The company's main business is based on the entire process engineering consultation、PPP consultation、bidding agent、Engineering cost consultation、Soil and Water Conservation、Social stability risk assessment is mainly。

To improve the company's management level,Enhance market competitiveness,Construction high quality,Professional business management team,Promote the continuous healthy and high -quality development of enterprises,Study after research,Decided to select and hire the company manager layer member of the social market。The relevant matters are announced as follows:

1. Selection plan and position

2 deputy general managers of the company this plan to publicly select 2 deputy general manager,respectively:

1 deputy general manager of market operation direction、1 deputy general manager of production management direction 1。

2. Basic conditions for applicants

(1) Has high ideological and political quality

Careful implementation of new development concepts,and consciously use Xi Jinping's new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to arm the mind、Guidance Practice、Promoting work。

(2) Has a strong ability to govern enterprises and enterprises and control the market economy skills

Understand business、Management、Good Decision。Familiar with the operation of modern enterprises,Have advanced business philosophy and management level,Professional knowledge necessary for performing job duties。Familiar with laws and regulations、Industrial policy and industry development status,Rich corporate management experience,and strong decision -making and judgment ability、Business management ability、Market expansion capabilities、Communication and coordination ability and ability to deal with complex issues and emergencies。

(3) Has a high professional literacy

Have good dafabet best online casinoProfessional ethics、Professional ethics、Professional credit and courage to take responsibility、Dare to break through and try、Practical work style,Have a strong career heart、sense of responsibility and mission,Agree with corporate culture。Fairing Deno、Diligence、Unity cooperation、Operation according to law、Integrity industry,It has certain influence and recognition in the industry and related business areas where the industry and related business areas。

(4) Has outstanding business performance

With strong execution ability,Being able to faithfully fulfill the job responsibilities,Completion of various work tasks and production、Operation、Management Objective,Get excellent work performance in similar positions。

(5) Other basic conditions

Generally, it should have a bachelor's degree or above; the age should be under 45 years old; the physical condition that has good psychological quality and the physical condition that can fulfill its duties normally。

(6) Do not participate in the selection situation

One of the following plots, not allowed to participate in the selection:

1. Those who have been punished or administrative penalties;

2. Undead、Organizational processing or party discipline and government affairs shall be used;

3. Suspecting discipline and illegal is undergoing organization investigations,or by relevant competent authorities、Industry Association for punishment;

4. For the main person in charge of the bankruptcy liquidation company and bear personal responsibility,Or has been revoked business license for illegal、Order to close the main person in charge of the enterprise and have personal responsibility;

5. The spouse has moved to the country (border) or there is no spouse、Children have moved out of the country (border);

6. The large negative amount of personal debt expires without settlement,or during the period of personal dishonesty being executed,or included in the national bribery information library;

7. In violation of the "Several Provisions of State -owned Enterprise Leaders";

8. In accordance with relevant regulations such as the avoidance of the job;

9. Existing "Company Law"、"Enterprise State -owned Assets Law" and other laws、Regulations、The situation in which state -owned enterprise leaders are prohibited from employment。

3, job responsibilities and job conditions


3, selection and hiring procedure

This selection work will be carried out through the following links:

(1) Autonomous registration

1. The deadline for registration is: December 6, 2023 17:00。

2. Registration method: adopt online registration.

3. Submit materials: Candidates download "Liaoning Xinda Consulting Co., Ltd. 2023 Market -oriented Manager Member Registration Form,Packaged with other proof materials and sent to the registration mailbox: lnxd2022@163.com

4. Registration precautions:

① Registration implements the integrity commitment system,The above registration materials will be used as the main basis for qualification review and resume evaluation,Must be detailed、Provide truth。If you find false information and materials at any time,,Immediately cancel the qualifications of the application。If it has been hired, it is found that false information and materials are provided,Immediately lifted the hire contract and pursue the salary that has been issued、bonus, etc.;

② You must insert color photos and personal electronic signatures,Submit in Word format。Files and compression packages are named "Application position (XX direction) -Name-mobile phone number",and send it to the email theme for the mailbox;

③ Candidates fill in incomplete due to personal information、The consequences of incorrectly be borne by me。

(2) Qualification review

The company will qualify for the registration information submitted by the applicants and review and the experience experience review。Persons who pass the qualification review,The company will notify myself in a SMS,Participants must reply to SMS within 2 working days after the registration deadline,If the response is not responded in time,It is deemed to be abandoned,No more notification。Registration and qualification review work simultaneously during the announcement。

(3) Comprehensive evaluation

Comprehensive evaluation adopt an interview method,The interview form is a professional planning display and a question of questioning of the examiner group,It aims to show the expert's professional knowledge、Leaders、Decision ability、Management ability、Business ability, etc.。Professional planning display content should include: personal resume display、Combining the current situation of the industry、The basic situation of the company、Development goals in the next three years、Path to achieve this goal, etc.。The interview time and place notify me。The first person in the interview ranking is listed as an inspection object。

(4) Organization inspection

The company will conduct background investigations or democratic evaluations on the inspection candidates in an appropriate dafabet online sports bettingmanner,The political quality of the candidate for the candidate、Performance ability、Innovation Spirit、Work performance、Occupational literacy、Integrity and other situations conduct a comprehensive evaluation。

(5) Research decision

The company's board of directors decide the final candidate based on the organizational review。The candidate to be hired will be publicized within the design institute,The publicity period is 5 working days。

(6) Physical examination

Public announcement,Personalized persons need to go to a designated hospital for a physical examination,and submit a medical examination report before the end of the publicity period,Physical examination costs to take care of themselves。

(7) Signing

No reflection or reflection of opinions after the publicity is not true、It does not affect use,and the physical examination passes。According to the company's articles of association and relevant measures,For the corresponding contract、File work。

Four, term system and contract management

1. Playing period management: Market -oriented manager layer members implement the appointment system,This term from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026。After the term of office expires,The company's board of directors determine whether to renew the results of the assessment and evaluation of the term of office and the next term of economic goals。Unable to renew,Remoral (dismissal)。

2. Contractive management: members of the market -oriented manager layer implementation of contract management。From the date of office,Sign a labor contract、Responsibility letter of hiring contract and business performance。The company's board of directors implements annual assessment and term assessment of members of the manager level,The assessment content includes two parts: operating performance assessment and evaluation and comprehensive assessment evaluation,Evaluation according to the corresponding indicators。The assessment does not meet the standard,The board of directors can be lifted (termination) in advance。

3. Trial management: Combined with the actual situation,The company's board of directors will conduct a trial period of the market -oriented manager layer in principle,The probation period does not exceed 6 months。Formally appointment of qualified assessment of the trial period,Unqualified procedures for dismissal the procedures for the procedures for procedures。

5. Salary

Market -based selected manager members' salary structure is based on the basic annual salary、Performance dafabet live casinoannual salary、Term incentive and special incentive composition,The salary level will be in accordance with the principle of "double -pairing of performance and salary",According to the characteristics of the industry、Corporate Development Strategic Objective、Business performance、Factors of the Similar Personal Salary of the Market。

6. Other instructions

  1、Candidates can be at the attachment below the announcement,Download "Liaoning Xinda Consulting Co., Ltd. 2023 Market -based Selection Manager Member Registration Form,Together with my valid ID、Education degree certificate、job (executive) qualification certificate、Professional and technical job qualification certificate、Proof of work experience Materials in the past 5 years of main work performance (achievement) related materials scanned parts such as scanning parts such as electronic versions,Upload attachment in ZIP format,Send to the email theme with "Application position (XX direction)-Name-Mobile Number" as an email theme。Confidentiality of information provided by the company,Registration materials will not return。

  2、The company will pass the email、SMS、Telephone and other methods to notify people who are qualified for interviews,Persons who have not obtained the above qualifications,No more notification,Please fill in the contact information correctly,Keep the phone unblocked。

  3、Once all personnel are applied, they are deemed to be reviewed by the company's qualifications for applicants,Including telephone inquiry、File review、Background Survey、Ability evaluation, etc.。

Consultation Tel: 024-83731811; Contact: Li Feng。

Consultation time: 09: 00-12: 00,13: 30-17: 00。

Liaoning Xinda Consulting Co., Ltd.

Annex: Registration registration form.doc

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