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Shenyang Sanxin Group Co., Ltd. Market -based Selection Vocational Manager Recruitment Announcement
Source: Author: Release time: November 28, 2023 A+A-

Shenyang Sanxin Group Co., Ltd. belongs to Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.,Established in July 1998,Registered funds of 35 million yuan。Company business cover: Construction project construction,Highway Engineering Supervision,Building labor subcontract,Research and Development of New Materials Technology,Construction of Garden Greening Project,Technology Development、Technology Development、Technical Consultation、Technical exchange、Technical transfer、Technical promotion,Sales of special chemical products,Manufacturing of special chemical products,Sales of chemical products, etc.。

The company owns the first -level qualification of highway traffic safety facilities,Highway pavement engineering professional contracted secondary qualification,Highway Engineering General Contract III Qualification、Construction labor service is not distinguished in qualifications,Highway road base pavement maintenance armor -level qualification,Maintenance of Highway Traffic Safety Facilities、Highway Grade A Supervision Qualification、Highway B test detection qualification。The company has obtained the highest credit evaluation of the national highway construction market for many years。To meet the needs of company management and business development,Further strengthen the construction of the talent team,The company intends to carry out the work of market -oriented professional managers for the society,The present announcement is as follows:

1. Recruitment scope and qualification conditions

(1) Recruitment scope: open recruitment to the society.

(2) Basic conditions:

1. Candidates must have the nationality of the People's Republic of China; support the leadership of the Communist Party of China;

2. Candidates must not form a recruitment position for avoiding relationships after applying for employment;

3. Have a job experience that matches the position、Professional literacy、Professional ethics and good personal products,Body conditions with duties,Can withstand certain work pressure;

4. Other conditions required for specific recruitment positions。

(3) Do not participate in the selection situation

One of the following plots, not allowed to participate in the selection:

1. It is undergoing a judicial organs for investigation or disciplinary inspection and supervision department for review,or being commanded、Organizational processing or party discipline and government affairs,or severe violations of criminal punishment;

2. If the main person in charge of the bankruptcy liquidation enterprise and have personal responsibilities,Or has been revoked business license for violations、Order to close the main person in charge of the enterprise and have personal responsibility;

3. Unopened or did not correctly fulfill its duties, causing major state -owned assets to lose,or bribed due to corruption、Establishing property、misappropriation of property or destroying the order of the socialist market economy is sentenced to punishment;

4. The large negative amount of personal debt expires without settlement,or during the period of personal dishonesty being executed,or included in the national bribery information library;

5. The spouse has moved to the country (border),or there are no spouses but their children have moved to the country (border);

6. The results of the assessment of the previous year are basic competent and below;

7. The "Company Law", "Enterprise State -owned Assets Law" and other laws and regulations stipulated in the prohibition situation。

2. Recruitment position and requirements

Recruitment post: Deputy General Manager.

dafabet casinoNumber of recruiters: 1.

1. Has the relevant work experience of highway construction enterprises with 8 years or above;

2. Bachelor degree or above,If you have a vice -high and above titles, you can relax to a college degree;

3. Have the experience of working in the same level or the next position for more than 3 years in the next position;

4. The average age does not exceed 45 years old。Personnel or deputy high or above professional title of professional qualifications such as a first -class construction division,Age can be relaxed to 50 years old。Outstanding condition,can be appropriately relaxed other applicants。

3. Steps to choose and hire

The recruitment project team is issued according to the announcement、Online registration、Qualification review、Comprehensive interview (at first surface、Finally)、Organizational inspection、Physical examination、Public announcement and other procedures for。

(1) Online registration

1. Release announcement: Provincial State -owned Assets Supervision Commission website、Website of Traffic Investment Group、Excellent Enterprise Professional Public Account。

2. Registration deadline: 19:00 on December 4, 2023。

3. Registration mailbox: sxjt_zhaopin@163.com。

4. Registration requirements: Registration staff must fully fill in the "Shenyang Sanxin Group 2023 Public Recruitment Registration Form" and upload the relevant attachment as required,If it affects the follow -up link due to incomplete registration materials,The consequences are borne by the applicant。Annex content includes: personal resume、ID card、Education degree certificate、Scanning parts such as various qualification certificates and other materials。

(2) Qualification review

1. Time: within 7 working days after the registration deadline。

2. According to job requirements and qualifications,Screening the applicants,Main qualifications for applicants、Work experience、dafabet casinoWork performance、Personal quality, etc.,Enter the interview link through the first round of screening。

(3) Interview

1. Interview form: semi -structured interview.

2. Number of interviewers: candidates who pass the qualification review enter the initial link,The top 3 candidates in the first ranking enter the final interview link。The interview results of the last interview candidate,Participate in the interview at the same time。

3. Interview time、Location: Specific interview time and place will be notified separately,Recruitment project team will communicate in the form of a telephone,If those who fail to connect,It is deemed to give up interview opportunities。

(4) Determine the proposed candidate

Determined candidates to be hired。Comprehensive results = initial score & times; 30%+final score & times; 70%,If the comprehensive score is tied for,will determine the candidate to be hired。

(5) Physical examination

Personalized personnel to be hired in accordance with the arrangement of the designated medical examination institution for medical examination。Those who fail to pass the medical examination or give up the medical examination,Not hired。Notice of medical examination time。Pay for medical examination expenses。

(6) Examination

Sanxin Company's virtue of the inspection object、energy、Qin、performance、Integrity, etc., conduct a comprehensive investigation (including the necessary background survey),After comprehensive research and judgment,Determine the proposed candidate,and decide to be applied to the person in accordance with the prescribed procedures。

(7) Hire and record

Public announcement of the candidate to be hired,The publicity period is 5 working days。After the expiration of the publicity period,If there is no reflection or reflection opinion, it is investigated and verified that it is not true or does not affect the use,Employers signed the "Labor Contract" and agreed to the probation period。

(8) Trial period management

The assessment of the trial period is not qualified,The company has the right to terminate the labor contract。

4. Related instructions

(1) Registration must declare truthfully compared with the conditions stipulated in this announcement,During the entire recruitment process,Once found that it does not meet the requirements,then disqualified,Responsibility。Once the applicant is hired,It must be reported in time in time as required by the notice,If there is a person in person (labor) dispute with the original unit,All are responsible for negotiation and resolution。

(2) Do not charge any fee for the interview,Not specifying tutoring books,Do not hold or entrust any institution to hold a counseling training course。

(3) The final explanation of this announcement belongs to Shenyang Sanxin Group Co., Ltd.。

Consultation Tel: 024-81046045

Telephone consultation time: 9: 00-11: 30,13:30-17:00

Shenyang Sanxin Group Co., Ltd.

Annex:Shenyang Sanxin Group Co., Ltd. openly recruiting registration form .doc

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