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2024 Liaoning Traffic Investment Highway Technology Conservation Co., Ltd. Machinery and Equipment Service Procurement (second batch)
Source: Author: Release time: June 07, 2024 A+A-

1. Purchasing scope

Plan dafabet online sports dafabet casinobettingto milling machine、Padding machine、Waterwheel、Light Wheel Pressor、Loader、Router Pressor and other leases

2. Project investment

It is estimated that the total investment is about 88.2 million yuan.

3, purchase time

This project is expected to release project procurement announcements in June 2024,Specifically, the actual announcement time is subject to。

Four, other

This project will adopt electronic dafabet live casinodafabet casinoprocurement method。Please register for the potential suppliers who are concerned about this project in advance (#) to register,Timely CA digital certificate。

Purchase: Liaoning Traffic Investment Highway Technology Conservation Co., Ltd.

June 3, 2024

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