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Regarding the announcement of the Beijing -Kazakhstan highway (Jiliaojie) to Panjin Duan Beijing to Shenyang's direction restrictions
Source: Author: Release time: December 29, 2023 A+A-

The second stage of the construction operation of Beijing to Shenyang in the second stage of the second stage of the reconstruction and expansion project from Suizhong dafabet online sports betting(Ji Liao) from the Beijing -Kazakh Highway to the Panjin section.,Approved by the Office of the General Headquarters of the Expressway Construction of Liaoning Province,From 24:00 on January 1, 2024,The Beijing -Kazakh Highway Suizhong (Ji Liao Ring) to Panjin (K310+100 to K532+380) is adjusted from 80 km/h to 100 km/h from Beijing to Shenyang.,Shenyang to Beijing's direction limit speed still maintains 80 km/h。According to engineering dafabet best online betting websiteconstruction needs,Restriction speed will be announced separately in advance。

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Liaoning Provincial Department of Communications

Liaoning Provincial Public Security Department

Liaoning Provincial Transportation Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.

December 29, 2023

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