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Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group、Deputy Chairman、General Manager Dong Lei went to the research institute to investigate the operation of the first half of the year
Source: Liaoning Traffic Investment Author: Release time: May 22, 2024 A+A-

May 15,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group、Deputy Chairman、General Manager Dong Lei went to the Scientific Institute to conduct a research,Listening to the recent work of scientific research institutes,Set deployment requirements for the next step。Cao Jiwei, chief engineer of the group、Deputy General Manager Zhou Wenhuan accompanied the research。The person in charge of the relevant department of the group、Members of the Scientific Institute team participated in the survey。




Meeting,Secretary of the Party Committee of Scientific dafabet best online betting websiteInstitute、Executive Director Zhang Jinxi reported the company's recent work development、The work task of the next step and the matters supported by the group。The members of the company's other teams report on the implementation of the work in charge。Group leaders and relevant departments in charge spoke separately,Construction of the scientific and technological innovation system of scientific research institutes、Project Termination Study、Talent Team Construction、Specifications for business development and safety production management,Give a targeted guidance。



General Manager Dong Lei affirmed the results achieved by the work of the research institute。For the next step of scientific research institute,He emphasized:dafabet live casinoDo not help scientific research,Positioning of the Group R & D Center,Give full play to its own technology research and development advantage,Increase the investment intensity of science and technology research and development,Persist in self -reliance、Independent innovation,Actively carry out research work for project establishment,Promote the transformation of outstanding scientific research results,Continuously enhanced core competitiveness。Two isTo adhere to the goal and problem -oriented,Carrying out research and innovation needs research,Focus on key technical issues F establishment research,Strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other scientific research institutes and brother units,Form working together。Three isTo establish and improve the scientific and technological innovation management system,Gradually build scientific research topic establishment management、Evaluation and assessment、Achievement conversion、A series of institutions and mechanisms such as rewarding incentives,Play institutional foundation for scientific research。Four isTo strengthen the construction of scientific research talents,To strengthen the construction of scientific research talents,Attract high -quality professionals,Optimize administrative service quality,Provide a good working environment for scientific research talents; excavate existing talent potential,Cultivate specialized talents,Encourage talents to emancipate the mind、Bold innovation。Five isTo further expand the business area,Use the existing qualifications,Transform the qualification advantage into a competitive advantage、Brand advantage; do the accumulation and maintenance of test detection data,Provide data support for technology research and development and business development。Six isTo adhere to the bottom line of safety production,Resolutely curb the production safety liability accident,Fully solve the hidden dangers of various safety risks,Create a safe and stable production and business environment。

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