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  • Transformation dynamics
  • Transformation background
  • Transformation Voice
  • Transformation Practice
  • Transformation awareness
Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized many times,We must adhere to supply-side structural reform as the main line,Accelerate the development of a digital economy with data as a key element,Promoting the Internet、Big data、The deep integration of artificial intelligence and the real economy。Requirements of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee,Unswervingly build a strong cyber nation、Digital China,Accelerate digital development。Liaoning Provincial Committee、The provincial government proposes to build “Digital Liaoning、The major strategy of building a strong province through intelligence,And regard the implementation of industrial digital transformation as a major strategic measure to achieve all-round revitalization of Liaoning。As the provincial state-owned enterprise with the largest assets in Liaoning Province,To deeply integrate into the development wave of digital economy,Support the implementation of corporate mid- and long-term dafabet best online casinostrategies and the achievement of high-quality development goals for the industry,Liaoning Communications Investment Group fully understands the significance of implementing digital transformation to the survival and development of enterprises,Consider the implementation of digital transformation as a major measure to implement the strategy of "digital Liaoning to build a strong province through intelligence",Continuously improve our understanding and understanding of the core value of digital transformation,Continuously penetrate digital thinking and concepts into various business areas,Comprehensive launch of top-level design for digital transformation,Officially opens the road to digital transformation and development for business process reengineering。

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Transformation Background
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No. 42-2, Lidao Road, Heping District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province